En esta casa hemos procurado castigar al magnate inmobiliario y dueño del grupo Tribune (LA Times, Chicago Tribune… among others). Ahora dejemos que se defienda. Aquí hay un laaaaaargo diálogo donde explica por qué hace lo que hace. Vale la pena. Me parece interesante esto:
:: “When I grew up, the definition of 'breaking news' was [the newspaper delivered to] your front door…. Well, that's not the case anymore. Now, you hit your homepage, now you turn on CNN, or some other news-TV program, and that's how you find out what the latest news is.”
:: “Most…newspapers do not have a comparative advantage on international news…. On the other hand, [they] have staff and people and knowledge locally that nobody else has…. That’s the only thing I can't find from 10 other sources.”
:: “Eighty-six percent of the cost of the newspaper business is print, paper, distribution, and promotion. That's untenable long-term and short-term…. If you attack the problem and solve it, you then make newspapers a much more economic advertising venue. Right now, that infrastructure sets the floor. That makes newspapers uncompetitive.”
El resto también lo es. Y digo: Zell es un tipo que mete plata en el periodismo. Como Murdoch. Hay que aplaudirle. Aunque venda la Tribune Tower. Mejor eso que echar a 500 periodistas.
Sam Zell es el caso del amateur, de Faraday: la inteligencia no encajonada en los casilleros de la industria (como Faraday -McLuhan merece la cita- o de Le Corbusier, o tantos otros). Murdoch es el profesional que corre sabe y corre riesgos.