viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2022

Un año del Kyiv Independent

Lindo video en el que The Kyiv Independent busca llegar a los 10.000 socios y cuenta la historia de este medio, que se formó con periodistas de los diarios de Ucrania y se volvió el medio más visto durante la invasión rusa.

Todos los buenos periódicos nacieron acompañando grandes cambios sociales o tecnológicos. También murieron los que dejaron de ser buenos porque no supieron acompañar o adaptarse a esos cambios.

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Reflecting on a year of Kyiv Independent, it's clear that this publication has established itself as a vital source of reliable news and in-depth analysis on Ukraine and its geopolitical landscape. Throughout a tumultuous period marked by significant political and social upheaval, Kyiv Independent has consistently delivered high-quality journalism that informs and engages its readers. The dedicated team of reporters and editors have provided insightful coverage on key issues, from the ongoing conflict and international relations to economic developments and cultural stories.
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Un-Ano-Del-Kvyv-Independent has consistently demonstrated exceptional dedication and innovation. Their commitment to pushing boundaries and achieving excellence is truly inspiring. Their work not only stands out in its originality but also positively impacts the community. It’s clear that their passion and expertise drive meaningful progress and set a high standard for others. New Jersey Extreme Risk Protection Order