Nació el 24 de agosto de 1954. Es abogado, periodista, y doctor en Comunicación Pública. En 1975, durante su carrera universitaria de Derecho, que terminó en la Universidad Católica Argentina, comenzó a trabajar como cronista volante en el diario La Nación de Buenos Aires, y en otros medios gráficos. En 1987 y 1988 fue director del diario La Verdad (Junín) y de la emisora LT20 Radio Junín. Desde esos años ha colaborado con más de 20 medios informativos argentinos y europeos. En 1988 viajó a España contratado por el Área de Innovación Periodística de la Universidad de Navarra, para poner en marcha el Laboratorio de Diseño Periodístico del que fue primer Director. En esa Universidad realizó también su tesis doctoral sobre los lenguajes informativos iconográficos (no lingüísticos ni fotográficos) que defendió con la máxima calificación en septiembre de 1990. Desde entonces trabajó en la agencia internacional de prensa Europe Today de Bruselas, para el lanzamiento de sus servicios en castellano. En agosto de 1991 regresó a la Argentina para comenzar la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información de la Universidad Austral de la que fue decano hasta marzo de 1996. En esa Facultad fue Profesor Titular de Diseño Editorial y del Seminario anual de Innovación Periodística. También fue profesor de Diseño y Cultura de la Imagen en el Master em Jornalismo para Editores en el Centro de Extensão Universitária de San Pablo (Brasil), y de Infografía en la Universidad de Navarra. Hasta diciembre de 1996 fue Director de Innovation International Media Consulting Group, empresa con la que ha realizado trabajos de consultoría para medios de la Argentina, Brasil, Portugal y España.
Fue Editor General del diario Expreso de Guayaquil (Ecuador), Director Adjunto de Última Hora en Asunción del Paraguay y Director del Grupo El Territorio de Posadas (Argentina), del que es accionista. Desde 1997 hasta 2023 trabajó como consultor en dirección estratégica de medios, por su cuenta o asociado a otros profesionales.
Es autor de Periodismo Iconográfico, (Madrid, 1991/Lisboa, 1992), de Periodismo con pasión (Buenos Aires, 1996) y de numerosos artículos científicos y profesionales. También es miembro de la Society for News Design (SND), del Consejo de Administración de los Premios Malofiej de Infografía, de la Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), del Institute for Global Ethics, de la Red de Cátedras UNESCO de Comunicación (ORBICOM), y del Foro Mundial de Directores en la World Association of Newspapers (WAN). Desde 2005 dirige el blog Paper Papers del que es coautor junto con Antoni Piqué. También es autor del blog La venganza de Colón
Gonzalo Peltzer was born on August 24th, 1954. He holds a Master degree in Law and a PhD degree in Public Communication. In 1975, he began working as a journalist at La Nación, a major daily newspaper in Buenos Aires. In 1987 and 1988 he was the Editor at the Junin's (Buenos Aires province) La Verdad and LT20 Radio Junín, a broadcast station. Since these years he was a contributor in more than 20 Argentinian and European media.
In 1988 he was hired for the Journalism Innovation Area at Navarra University (Spain), to launch the Media Design Laboratory where he was the first Director. In September 1996 he achieved a PhD degree in Navarra University, working in a doctoral thesis about iconographic journalism (no linguistic, neither photographic languages in graphic journalism).
In October 1990 he was hired for Europe Today, an international press agency devoted on environmental issues in Brussels. In January 1992 he was back in Buenos Aires to found the Mass Communication School at Austral University, where he was Dean until 1996. At this School he was full Professor on Editorial Design.
Until December 1996 he was Director at the Innovation International Media Consulting Group. For this company he worked as a Consultant for media in Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay, Portugal and Spain. In 1997 he joined Antoni Piqué and Juan Varela to found Mediacción, a new Consulting Group linked with the University of Navarra. He was Editor of Expreso, one of the major newspapers in Ecuador; and Última Hora, the second largest newspaper in Paraguay. He also was a Design & Visual Culture professor at the Master in Journalism for Editors at the Centro de Extensão Universitária in São Paulo (Brazil).
Gonzalo Peltzer was born on August 24th, 1954. He holds a Master degree in Law and a PhD degree in Public Communication. In 1975, he began working as a journalist at La Nación, a major daily newspaper in Buenos Aires. In 1987 and 1988 he was the Editor at the Junin's (Buenos Aires province) La Verdad and LT20 Radio Junín, a broadcast station. Since these years he was a contributor in more than 20 Argentinian and European media.
In 1988 he was hired for the Journalism Innovation Area at Navarra University (Spain), to launch the Media Design Laboratory where he was the first Director. In September 1996 he achieved a PhD degree in Navarra University, working in a doctoral thesis about iconographic journalism (no linguistic, neither photographic languages in graphic journalism).
In October 1990 he was hired for Europe Today, an international press agency devoted on environmental issues in Brussels. In January 1992 he was back in Buenos Aires to found the Mass Communication School at Austral University, where he was Dean until 1996. At this School he was full Professor on Editorial Design.
Until December 1996 he was Director at the Innovation International Media Consulting Group. For this company he worked as a Consultant for media in Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay, Portugal and Spain. In 1997 he joined Antoni Piqué and Juan Varela to found Mediacción, a new Consulting Group linked with the University of Navarra. He was Editor of Expreso, one of the major newspapers in Ecuador; and Última Hora, the second largest newspaper in Paraguay. He also was a Design & Visual Culture professor at the Master in Journalism for Editors at the Centro de Extensão Universitária in São Paulo (Brazil).
He was General Editor at the newspaper Expreso (Guayaquil, Ecuador), Deputy Director at Última Hora (Asunción, Paraguay) and Publisher at El Territorio Group (Posadas, Argentina), of which he is a shareholder. From 1997 to 2023 he worked as a consultant in strategic media management, on his own or in association with other professionals.
He is the author of Periodismo Iconográfico, (Madrid, 1991 and Lisbon, 1992), and Periodismo con pasión (Buenos Aires, 1996) and many articles on journalism, both professional and scientific. He is member of SND (Society for News Design), AEJMC (Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication), IPRA (International Peace Research Association), The Institute for Global Ethics, the web of UNESCO Chairs in Communication (ORBICOM), and the Editors World Forum at the World Association of Newspapers (WAN). He has also author of La Venganza de Colón, a blog with stories from the mestiza America.